Category: Habitual Drinking

Baby Ducks Imprint with Their Mothers, Baby Humans Imprint with Their Father’s Drinking Habits.

Baby Ducks Imprint with Their Mothers, Baby Humans Imprint with Their Father’s Drinking Habits.

How Imprinting Affects Your Ability to Stop Drinking Alcohol. And how hypnosis transforms imprints from negative to positive so you can stop drinking alcohol. In hypnotherapy training, we studied Imprints. Imprints are how our life experiences or life events effect us based on the meaning we assign to it.  The meaning is in the form […]

The Magical Lure of Alcohol, How it Tricks You.

The Magical Lure of Alcohol, How it Tricks You and How Hypnosis for Alcohol Addiction is the Best Treatment Because It Gets to the Source of the Problem. At Dallas Hypnosis Programs, we don’t offer alcohol addiction treatment or treatment for alcoholism what we do offer is support, encouragement, self-esteem building, trigger removal, and sobriety […]

What is your sobering point of view?

What is your sobering point of view? Alcohol Recovery with Hypnosis

Hypnosis to Stop Drinking Alcohol Exposes The Real View, A Sobering Point of View. Drinking on a regular basically draws a veil over our lives. Hypnosis lifts that veil. Our visions become unclear and we truly don’t see what is going on around us. When we are uncomfortable in a crowd, we order a drink.

Does Drinking Alcohol Define You?

Does Drinking Alcohol Define You?

Hypnosis helps with breaking your identification with ‘who you want to be’ and your brand of booze. One of the 6 elements to permanent personal change is breaking our associations with a brand of cigarettes or a beer commercial. If we learn to identify ourselves with a special brand of booze then it makes it […]

VISUALIZATION through Hypnosis for Alcohol Addiction Recovery

Dallas Hypnosis Programs uses the SIX elements for personal permanent behavior change to assist clients in Relapse Prevention. Visualization is one of the 6 elements for change because visualization produces either a negative or positive response in the mind/body. Why is this important? If we are focused currently on reliving old scenes in our heads […]

Hypnosis for Alcohol Addiction and Alcohol Dependency work when you BELIEVE.

Hypnosis for Alcohol Addiction and Alcohol Dependency works when you BELIEVE. Dallas Hypnosis Programs uses the SIX elements for personal permanent behavior change. The first one:  BELIEVE IT. DO YOU BELIEVE? Do you want to stop drinking, to be in control of whether you drink or not?

Why can’t I stick to my New Year’s Resolution to stop drinking alcohol?

Why can’t I stick to my New Year’s Resolution to stop drinking alcohol? Popular New Year’s Resolutions: To lose weight To stop smoking To only drink alcohol on the weekends Did you start off the new year with the right idea, but have now reverted back to the previous habit or behavior?

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol in Dallas.

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol in Dallas, Hypnosis Helps with Changing the Way You TALK about Alcohol. One of the 6 elements to permanent personal change is correcting SELF TALK, which is the way someone speaks about their issues, or about themselves or life in general. Here are some examples of negative SELF TALK relating […]

Hypnosis and the role Emotional Balance plays in stopping drinking alcohol

Dallas Hypnosis for Alcohol Dependency and Relapse Prevention: The role Emotional Balance plays in stopping your drinking alcohol habit. Emotions are bad. Emotions are good. Emotions are also signs that something is happening. The 6 basic emotions

Why you think you can’t stop drinking alcohol.

How to stop drinking alcohol. Why do you drink? Why you think you can’t stop drinking alcohol? “It’s in my DNA, my family is a bunch of drinkers, plus we are Irish!” That statement is one way that the subconscious mind becomes convinced of an idea:  Identification with a parent or group.  In my experience […]