Why you think you can’t stop drinking alcohol.

How to stop drinking alcohol.
Why do you drink? Why you think you can’t stop drinking alcohol?

“It’s in my DNA, my family is a bunch of drinkers, plus we are Irish!”

alcohol addiction recovery dallasThat statement is one way that the subconscious mind becomes convinced of an idea:  Identification with a parent or group.  In my experience with clients, this is more like a belief than hard-wired fact and now science is supporting that.  This is good news for people that drink too much and feel that they do because they are predisposed genetically.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states this in a recent publication: Alcohol Alert No. 84

  • “The bottom line is that genes alone do not determine our destiny—lifestyle choices and other environmental factors have a substantial impact. In addition, many other individual and psychosocial variables influence when and how much we drink, both in the short and long term, and how this influences our risk of alcoholism”.

If one’s environment is more likely the culprit, than that is a ‘learned behavior’ and anything you learn you can unlearn. Under hypnosis an individual can observe these behaviors at a new level and see how they started and why they continue.  And using the same approach as what embedded them there in the first place, we place a new belief that manifests into a new healthy behavior.  What is fascinating and important to understanding our current behavior is the current negative or unhealthy behavior is actually a form of negative hypnosis.  The individual received direct or indirect information from an authority figure usually wrapped in an emotional experience and from this formed a belief about themselves, or about a substance.

And example of this would be: 

A child that watched their father pour a drink every evening and observing that he looked very happy when doing so.  This scene repeated over and over is an indirect imprint that results in subconscious actions later in life. In our sessions, clients find the source of the drinking problem and then create a new belief that is stronger then the one that exists, that results in new healthy behavior–a positive form of hypnosis.

Want to learn more about how to reverse negative hypnosis?  Call us.

How to stop drinking alcohol.
Why do you drink? Why you think you can’t stop drinking alcohol? 

Call for a consultation to explore your inner beliefs about why you drink or why you can’t stop, 972-974-2094, or email us.

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