Baby Ducks Imprint with Their Mothers, Baby Humans Imprint with Their Father’s Drinking Habits.

How Imprinting Affects Your Ability to Stop Drinking Alcohol.

And how hypnosis transforms imprints from negative to positive so you can stop drinking alcohol.

In hypnotherapy training, we studied Imprints. Imprints are how our life experiences or life events effect us based on the meaning we assign to it.  The meaning is in the form of a chemical response which results in a behavior.

Imprints can be direct or indirect as well as positive or negative.  Here are some examples of an imprint and the effect they could have:

Event: Dog Bite at age 5 (Direct Imprint/Negative)

Thought/Feeling/Behavior: Dogs bite/I’m afraid/Age 25 still stays away from dogs.

Hypnosis interrupts the feeling from the behavior and creates a new feeling and thus a new behavior.

Event: Favorite Song at age 15 (Direct Imprint/Positive)

Feeling/Thought/Behavior: I’m happy and carefree/Positive memory of summer camp/Age 40 hears song again, feels happy and carefree.

Hypnosis can use old memories and feelings to transform a current situation.

These imprints don’t just affect our brain they start a chain reaction of events that travel from brain to body and body to brain.

Thought + feeling = behavior

The thought is in the brain, the feeling is produced via chemical response (in brain and body) and the behavior is an automatic response or action we take as a result of the thought and feeling, or feeling and thought (sometimes they are in reverse depending on the person).

Smell a rose and you may be reminded of a pleasant Mother’s Day, or feel awful as that smell reminds you of an attempt by your spouse to right a wrong.

  • So when it comes to alcohol, think of all the imprints there are! A positive imprint with alcohol can cause a person to want more and more of it because of the good feelings it produces.

Think about your first associations with alcohol.  Perhaps your family was happier during the holidays because mom and dad had some cocktails, or when dad got home from work, he grabbed a beer and let you sit on his lap, the only attention you got from him, or you may have a negative association with alcohol, when your parents drank too much, they fought.  Alcohol may trigger a wide range of feelings and behaviors depending upon the imprints you received during those impressionable years.

If for example you the only time you felt connected to your dad was at family BBQs, when we has drinking beer then for you a  connection to your dad could be found through beer and so when you feel longing to be connected you may drink his brand of beer to fill the need. And this happens below your conscious awareness.

Since hypnosis is a state of mind wherein the subconscious becomes available for reprogramming we can look at these events with a new perspective. For example we can see that the feeling of being lonely can be met in other ways besides beer, we can break that imprint and then the person no longer makes those unconscious decisions that lead to counter productive habits and can  stop drinking alcohol.

Hypnosis transforms imprints from negative to positive so you can stop drinking alcohol, if you are ready to lose the imprints so you can stop drinking alcohol, call me for a complimentary consultation.

And remember:

Baby Ducks Imprint with Their Mothers

Baby Humans Imprint with Their Father’s Drinking Habits.

How Imprinting Affects Your Ability to Stop Drinking Alcohol.


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