Hypnosis and the role Emotional Balance plays in stopping drinking alcohol

Dallas Hypnosis for Alcohol Dependency and Relapse Prevention: The role Emotional Balance plays in stopping your drinking alcohol habit.

Emotions are bad. Emotions are good.

Emotions are also signs that something is happening.

The 6 basic emotions:

  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Disgust
  • Happiness
  • Sadness
  • Surprise

What are you feeling today?

If we are feeling good, we are making good money, we are healthy, and we are generally happy.

If we are not feeling good, we are feeling bad because we perhaps lost our job, got sick, then we are generally unhappy, maybe even angry.

These feelings are the normal and natural way to experience life, however most of the time we get stuck in the negative emotion, or spend most of our time running from them.

Good and bad, cold and hot, up and down, wet and dry are all opposites and it is widely known that you really don’t appreciate one without the other.

So there are good days, bad days, wet days, dry days.  But when our self-esteem is not solid then the negative half of the dualistic equation then we begin to get lost in the negative emotions.

I lost my job, I am worried, I am angry.  People generally don’t like to feel the feelings of worry or anger and usually seek out some distraction like drinking alcohol or drinking too much alcohol to soothe the feeling.


But that is only a temporary fix.  Drinking alcohol to forget only lasts several hours and when the effects wear off, the problem is still there. And perhaps we seek out that “fix” again and long-term counter productive habits can ensue.

However, if we can begin to see negative emotions as warning lights then we can begin to address the problem, not mask it.

When you consider the body getting a fever or a headache, those are symptoms of an illness so the person can address the symptoms and get well again.  Or on the dashboard of your vehicle, when the red oil light comes on, we get the oil changed, we know not to put gas in the tank, gas doesn’t fix the need for oil; just as alcohol doesn’t fix the need to address the negative emotion.

What I have learned in my own life is that the feeling or experience of a negative emotion can actually lead a person to the place of peace.

What we do in our hypnosis sessions is explore that feeling for its original origins and then create new healthy habits as a person that decides whether to drink or not, not someone that has to drink to soothe an emotion.

How can I stop drinking alcohol and still deal with my negative emotions?

So how would your life change if you were in control of your emotions? You get to decide when you ask yourself: What are you tired of? What do you really want? What to you want to feel?  Decide and then call me, I can take you there.

Dallas Hypnosis for Alcohol Dependency Relapse Prevention: The role Emotional Balance plays in stopping your drinking habit.

Call for your consultation 972-974-2094, or send an email.


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