25 reasons to quit drinking alcohol from Dallas Hypnosis Programs

25 reasons to quit drinking alcohol from Dallas Hypnosis Programs, Outpatient Addiction Treatment Programs in Dallas.

  1. It has a ton of calories.
  2. You don’t have to ride in the back of police cruiser.
  3. Distorts your thinking.
  4. It ages you.
  5. More sensibility and self respect.
  6. It seems to deprive us of joy.
  7. Leads to bad choices in diet, not working out which leads to a downward spiral of negativity.
  8. Our self-image suffers greatly.
  9. It’s ethanol, a liver burner, but your liver can’t feel it.
  10. It hides who you can truly be.
  11. Drinking alcohol makes you feel sick.
  12. Drinking alcohol gives you permission to engage in risky behavior.
  13. Drinking alcohol causes your life to not going in a direction you want.
  14. Drinking alcohol causes you to feel out of control, powerless.
  15. Drinking alcohol causes your friends to not want to hang out with you.
  16. Drinking alcohol causes your family to fall apart.
  17. Drinking alcohol creates relationship problems with your significant other.
  18. You want to stop the pain you are causing to your family.
  19. Drinking alcohol makes us avoid the real feelings we are having.
  20. Drinking alcohol makes us miss out on the present moment.
  21. Drinking alcohol ages us.
  22. Drinking alcohol is a bad example for our children and grandchildren.
  23. It causes us to feel guilt and shame.
  24. Shows disrespect for your body.
  25. Drinking alcohol can shorten your life, or someone else’s life.

If you identified with any of these perhaps it is time to quit drinking alcohol.  But how can you quit drinking alcohol when it is maybe what you are using to deal with the stressors in your life.

Keep in mind our program addresses the true causes of your alcohol dependency and uses hypnosis to release the triggers that create the unhealthy behavior and to create new healthy behaviors so you can recreate your life.

How does hypnosis work for quitting drinking alcohol?

There are 6 elements for permanent behavior change and our program addresses each one. In addition we teach self-hypnosis for stress relief and release the triggers what cause a person to want to drink. Hypnosis for quitting alcohol also integrates the new understanding of how the brain works, something called neuroplasticity.

So if you are ready to quit for these reasons or reasons of your own, we are ready to listen and to recommend a program that assist you in accomplishing your goals: to decide when to drink or not, to be in control, powerful, not out of control and powerless.

25 reasons to quit drinking alcohol from Dallas Hypnosis Programs, Outpatient Addiction Treatment Programs in Dallas, call for your private consultation today 972-974-2094.


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