Tag: outpatient alcohol recovery program in dallas

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol in Dallas.

How To Stop Drinking Alcohol in Dallas, Hypnosis Helps with Changing the Way You TALK about Alcohol. One of the 6 elements to permanent personal change is correcting SELF TALK, which is the way someone speaks about their issues, or about themselves or life in general. Here are some examples of negative SELF TALK relating […]


RE-DISCOVERYING AND REACTIVATING YOUR NATURAL SELF. There once was a feeling that you could do anything you wanted, to step out instinctively and be your TRUE self, to be creative, to achieve greatness, awesomeness, but the feeling got perhaps locked away or faded as others gave us their opinion of our ideas, OR otherwise discouraged […]

Hypnosis and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Programs

Hypnosis and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Programs together can correct the negative behavior of alcohol consumption. Everything we do is a choice, sometimes a conscious choice, but mostly our behaviors are subconscious.  So when we try to stop drinking on our own, it can be extremely difficult because it is an unconscious drive attempting to fill […]