How Do I Cut Back On Alcohol? Drink With Awareness.

How Do I Cut Back On Alcohol?  Drinking with awareness or mindfulness can help cut back on drinking alcohol.

This is the first step in changing a behavior.

How do I become more aware so I can curb my alcohol consumption?

Dallas Hypnotist Valerie Grimes suggests these ideas.  Keep in mind, if you think you are an alcoholic, you may need to seek specialized assistance, these suggestions are for people that want to limit their daily or weekly intake and have the ability to do that on their own.

For one week do the following:

  • 1. Keep a daily record.  Note the times of day, the type, and amount you consume.
  • 2. Notice your emotional state at that time. Ask yourself, am I feeling bored, upset, hungry, thirsty, etc.?
  • 3. When you decide to drink, first drink a large glass of room temperature water and wait 15 minutes.
  • 4. While drinking the alcohol focus only on it, the flavor, the smell, the way the bottle of glass feels in your hand, the way that it looks, and how it feels going into your body.
  • 5. Drink slowly and with all your focus on that one drink.
  • 6. Notice how your head feels, how your body feels, and what your mind is saying.

At the end of that week, review and decide which drinks you really didn’t need, decide what you can do instead of drinking.  Maybe during the week you realized your pattern was to drink after 8 pm when the kids are in bed and you were feeling bored.

Sometimes a state of mindfulness allows us to unconsciously change a pattern because the previous perceived benefit is no longer a motivating factor in our behavior.

Hypnosis works in several ways to change or stop a behavior such as drinking alcohol. One way is that it speeds all of those steps up very quickly into several sessions.  And connects us with the inner self that wants us healthy and happy. That inner self is excellent at coming up with alternatives to drinking alcohol in the evening…just get in touch with your inner self and ask.

How do you do that?  With awareness and hypnosis.

How Do I Cut Back On Alcohol?  Drinking with awareness or mindfulness can help someone that is wanting to cut back on drinking alcohol become more conscious of their unconscious habit.

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