Are You A Habitual Drinker?

Alcohol Recovery Program in Dallas For Habitual Drinkers. Are you a habitual drinker?

First, let’s define habitual drinker.

In our opinion, habitual drinkers don’t feel they have a problem and certainly don’t consider themselves alcoholics or “problem drinkers” that is until they try to experience a cocktail party, a baseball game, or yard work without an alcoholic beverage.  Then a person can see that it is difficult not to drink.

You see, when you are drinking on a regular basis, whether one drink per night to unwind when you get home or drinking continually just because it’s the weekend, you begin to develop patterns around that habit. The result is a subconscious behavior that has very little decision-making associated with it. In addition, your body and brain get used to a chemical response. So the drinking is attempting to fulfill an emotional response as well as a chemical need.

Our clients find that they just want more control over their drinking, to be able to go to a party and have one drink that satisfies them completely or perhaps decide not to drink at all and feel powerful and happy with that decision.

What is Moderation?

Some people need to cut down on their drinking and desire the power to simply have a drink now and then. We help our clients enjoy just one, or some find that a few sips and they are not interested in more. It is very empowering when people just have a half a beer or a few sips of wine. It is amazingly simple and for some people this is a good solution. Some people just want to cut down. Of course, this is not for everyone (those with a more serious addiction should not drink at all), but it is an option for those that would like to drink alcohol in moderation.

If you feel you are an alcoholic, this moderation program is not for you.  We do offer counseling and aversion therapy to assist you in permanently stopping your drinking habit. We also offer hypnosis for other issues and behaviors.

Alcohol Recovery Program in Dallas For Habitual Drinkers. Are you a habitual drinker? Call for a private consultation 972-974-2094.


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