How to reduce alcohol consumption to lose weight faster.

hypnosis for weight loss in dallas

Having trouble losing those last pounds and not sure why?

Feel like you have tried everything but not getting the results you want? You may be surprised by what is holding you back.

Many of our hypnosis weight loss clients find that while logging their foods and beverages, they realize they are hypnosis for weight loss in dallasdrinking too much evening wine or scotch and those extra calories are keeping them from getting the results they desire.

Now, most people don’t like the idea of giving up alcohol completely, The Flow Center has a solution that does not feel like a sacrifice or abstaining. With hypnosis it is easy and you will find your cravings for alcohol go away with out your even thinking about it.

Most clients reduce their intake of alcohol to only a few drinks on the weekends and that allows them to have the caloric reduction as well as clarity and energy in the morning so they can exercise.

How Does Hypnosis Work for Alcohol Dependency?

In hypnosis, a person is guided into a relaxed, hyper-responsive state, where his subconscious mind is highly open to new positive suggestions. The person is not asleep or unconscious but instead focused intently on what the hypnotist is saying.

We plant the suggestion that the person will feel better than ever by drinking water for example. We strengthen that so that desire for water is stronger than the old desire for alcohol.

Like many forms of alcohol treatment the success of hypnosis ultimately lies with the person. In other words, if they believe it will work and are open to it, they are more likely to have success.

So if you are having trouble losing those last pounds and not sure why start with examining how much alcohol you are consuming on a weekly basis. And if you need assistance controlling your intake, hypnosis may be your solution to a difficult habit to break.

Call for complimentary consultation. 972-974-2094