Daniel Radcliffe Discusses Alcohol Abuse.

The Harry Potter star, Daniel Radcliffe, who’s been sober since 2010, says he turned to alcohol to help him cope with the pressures of being the “Boy Who Lived”.

Read the full article.

And he is certainly not alone, most of the people that come to The Flow Center for alcohol dependency say they started drinking because they thought it would make them feel better about a situation.  The age they started was typically in their teen years. Too early to be making a decision about how to deal with life’s emotions.

The article doesn’t say how he became sober and whether he did so without replacing the drinking habit with cigarettes, coffee or food.

Hopefully he got to the real source of the drinking habit and dealt with those feelings and can truly be in control of both his emotions and of his tendency to reach for alcohol when he is feeling bad.

Congratulations Daniel!

The Flow Center is an outpatient dependency center in Dallas employing hypnosis to get to the source of a person’s drinking habit.