Category: Hypnosis for Behavior Change

The words you don’t want to hear.

The words you don’t want to hear. life balance and alcoholism

“You can never drink again”.  Alcohol Dependency and how hypnosis works.  The Flow Center In Dallas helps clients moderate their drinking. If you have been reading my blogs you know that I struggled with the over consumption of alcohol for most of my adult life. Here is the blog link if you would like to […]

Alcoholism and Hypnotherapy A Good Mixer in Dallas.

Dallas and Happy Hour Mixers.  Alcoholism and Hypnotherapy, also Good Mixers. We grew up with a wet bar in the living room. My dad was from Mad Men era, he was in advertising.  And what none of us realized was that he was advertising to me that it was normal to drink after work.  And […]

How I overcame alcohol addiction with hypnosis.

How I overcame alcohol addiction with hypnosis. alternative alcohol recovery dallas

I wasn’t really addicted to alcohol, I was addicted to Salvador. Drinking alcohol in excess was something I did without considering why. I was “caught up” in a love affair with a heavy drinker who triggered my need to drink. It’s a long story and so I wrote a book about it. I think that […]

Alternatives to AA for Alcohol Addiction

Each addicted to alcohol person is unique and so the program to help them with their alcohol dependency should be unique as well.  “AA is spiritual, not religious—now hold my hand while we pray.” This was the kind of message Barry Hazle faced at a California 12-step-based treatment program he was ordered to attend in […]

Good thoughts = No relapse when it comes to alcohol addiction

Good thoughts = No relapse when it comes to alcohol addiction hypnosis for alcohol treatment

Complicated thoughts + Complicated science + complicated lives = There is not one approach to addiction treatment. When it comes to treatment for addiction to alcohol or drugs, there are  just as many approaches as there are people needed assistance. Our brains trigger responses and create cravings Our scientists trying to figure out how we […]

Moderation rather than Abstinence for Alcoholism

Good News For People Who Feel They Drink Too Much. Moderation for Alcoholism Proven To Really Help People That Drink Too Much “Individualized Behavior Therapy for Alcoholics” (1973) Why It Matters: This was the first study that showed that controlled drinking—instead of abstinence—was possible for recovering alcoholics. Experiments psychologists Mark Sobell and Linda Sobell provided […]

Hypnosis Assists In Changing The Way Our Brain Responds.

Hypnosis Assists In Changing The Way Our Brain Responds. Hypnosis and The Brain

Hypnosis is a powerful tool for changing the way a person responds to environmental cues and emotional triggers that lead to consuming alcohol. When you address environment cues and emotional triggers using hypnosis it helps the person to stop drinking alcohol. How does hypnosis work? The idea that drinking is a learned behavior helps us […]

It’s Hard To Quit Smoking, Hypnosis Can Help.

It’s Hard To Quit Smoking, Hypnosis Can Help. quit smoking with hypnosis

The Science of Addiction and the Natural Way To Stop An Addiction. Here are the startling facts we have heard over and over. (these very rarely are enough to have someone quit smoking. ) There are 50 million nicotine addicts in the US, and one in five deaths results from smoking. Not only is smoking—and […]

Hypnosis for Alcohol Abuse Can Help Addiction Treatment.

Hypnosis for Alcohol Abuse Can Help Addiction Treatment. self esteem, alcoholism and hypnosis

Drinkers are now using alcohol addiction hypnosis as a way to help them with alcohol cravings. The objective of the hypnosis sessions are to help them change how they feel about alcohol on a subconscious level. Over time, this process rewires their brains, so they don’t feel like drinking alcohol anymore. The NIAAA estimates that […]

Alcohol Addiction Is Treatable, Not Incurable.

Alcohol Addiction Is Treatable, Not Incurable. life balance and alcoholism

Hypnosis is effective for treatment of alcoholism when you view the addiction “as a need that is attempting to be meant through the use or overuse of alcohol.” This link is an article from Huffington Post focusing on the issue of alcoholism and how it effects the Native American community.  And how the current system […]