Alcoholism, Life Imbalance and Hypnosis

life balance and alcoholism

Are you drinking alcohol in an attempt to bring your life back into balance?

Alcoholism, life imbalance and hypnosis: hypnosis naturally brings you back into balance so you can put down the drink.

Drinking to solve life’s problems seems like an irrational idea. And it is, but it is an acceptable subconscious idea. The subconscious is set up to avoid pain and seek pleasure.  So when adults are uncomfortable many seek relief in a drink of alcohol.  So it really is a subconscious attempt make things better.

Work pressures, financial worries, disagreements, giving away of all your time on others creates imbalance and in an attempt to correct that adults choose alcohol to “ease the pain or worry.”  However that doesn’t work long-term and the long term effects of alcohol create an even greater imbalance in the health and emotional areas of the life balance wheel.

So one way to cut back on the amount of alcohol you drink would be to address some of the areas that are out of balance.

At The Flow Center, we examine these areas of one’s life:

Stress Management
Self Acceptance
Fun, Joy, Pleasure
Emotional Well Being

Correcting these areas, hypnosis sessions to dissolve triggers and create new habit and to manage stressful life situations along with an integrated medical approach is proving helpful for many of our clients.

We offer a complimentary consultation. Phone answered 7 days a week, office hours Monday – Thursday 10 am to 7 pm.

Call 972-974-2094