Why Do People Think They Can’t Stop Drinking Alcohol?

When you ask someone that drinks too much alcohol why they can’t stop you may hear this, “My dad drank every day after work, growing up my mom always had a drink in her hand, it’s in my DNA or I’m Irish, we Irish drink a lot.”

That line of thinking (called identification or association) is one way the subconscious mind becomes convinced of an idea and alters one’s behavior.

But identifying with a parent or group is more of a belief than hard-wired fact and now science is supporting that.  This is good news for people that drink too much and feel that they do because they are predisposed genetically.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states this in a recent publication:  “The bottom line is that genes alone do not determine our destiny—lifestyle choices and other environmental factors have a substantial impact.” Alcohol Alert No. 84

How Hypnosis Works To Change a Person’s Belief.

Dallas hypnotist Valerie Grimes explains, “If one’s environment is more likely the influencer, then that behavior is ‘learned’ and anything you learned you can unlearn. Under hypnosis an individual can observe these behaviors at a new level of consciousness and see how they started and why they continue.  And then using the same process as what embedded those ideas in the first place, we create a new belief that manifests into a new healthy behavior.”

Alcohol help awareness.

There are alternatives to cutting back on drinking or to stop drinking completely other than AA or inpatient treatment.  Hypnosis is that alternative. Call for information 972-974-2094.





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