Why Is Herion Use Increasing in the U.S.?

To much dismay, heroin use has become more common in the United States, especially in recent years. Now, various governors in the New England area have tried to address the problem by issuing stringent measures. (Photo : Flickr) (article as noted in italics is from www.scienceworldreport.com)

I’m not sure stringent measures will work. But finding the underlying cause of using this or any drug will work.

Let’s start by asking why so many people obviously feel so detached from the positive side of life that heroin is an answer.  That is what we need to be studying.

As Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin stated in the article I am referencing, (we are in a) “full-blown heroin crisis.” If that is the case, then launch an investigation as to the self esteem levels of these young adults. I am not a research scientist but I was bet money on the fact that those numbers would be very low. Young people who have hobbies, sports, arts, music, loving families, and lots of supportive friends don’t do damaging things to themselves.  They just don’t. There isn’t any reason to.

The answer to the drug problem (any drug) is to do something about helping people feel better about themselves. Here is a series of six articles I wrote to improve self esteem.  How to raise self esteem with hypnosis.

If you are interested in the numbers and how demographics for heroin use have changed in 50 years, read the full article.  But, it doesn’t say much.  Like so many things that need fixing, we just can’t band aid it. We have to go to the source to fix it.

Here is some university studies on the importance of raising self esteem to treat drug and alcohol dependency.

Where to get help.

“I think the new generation of heroin users – predominately white middle class males and females living in suburban and rural areas – who need help with their heroin addiction will have difficulty finding places that treat addiction to heroin since most treatment centers in suburbs and rural areas tend to be private pay and will have little experience with heroin as a primary drug.”

Our approach to dependency on a substance like heroin.

For more about how hypnosis gets to the source of any drug dependency, contact us for a private consultation.