Moderation rather than Abstinence for Alcoholism

Good News For People Who Feel They Drink Too Much.

Moderation for Alcoholism Proven To Really Help People That Drink Too Much

“Individualized Behavior Therapy for Alcoholics” (1973)

Why It Matters: This was the first study that showed that controlled drinking—instead of abstinence—was possible for recovering alcoholics.
Experiments psychologists Mark Sobell and Linda Sobell provided powerful momentum to the anti-abstinence movement in addiction studies in the 1970s by showing that controlled drinking was not only possible but demonstrated success in recovery.
The Sobells performed a study and two follow-up reports that found that among 70 severe alcoholics at a Southern California hospital, those who were trained to drink in moderation had better outcomes at two and three years’ follow-up than those who followed abstinence-based recovery methods. Their work sparked controversy, with attacks on its methodology and its conclusions, including outright accusations of fraud. The Sobells were later cleared of misconduct.
Their work has led the way for legitimizing moderation-based approaches to treating alcoholism, including Moderation Management and harm reduction techniques.

Full Article
by Jeanene Swanson

The Flow Center uses hypnosis to assist people in moderating their drinking.  Most people just want to be in control of their drinking.  We have had clients that drink a bottle of wine a night and know drink only 2-3 glasses on the weekend.  They were pretty happy about that.  Before they came to us, they really didn’t know what to do because they didn’t consider themselves alcoholics so AA was not even a consideration.   Our program was a great fit for them and now they are healthier and happier.