Hypnosis Assists In Changing The Way Our Brain Responds.

Hypnosis and The Brain

Hypnosis is a powerful tool for changing the way a person responds to environmental cues and emotional triggers that lead to consuming alcohol.

When you address environment cues and emotional triggers using hypnosis it helps the person to stop drinking alcohol.

How does hypnosis work?

The idea that drinking is a learned behavior helps us in finding a way in hypnosis to Un-Learn the behavior.  Your brain knows that a certain person, or bottle of booze, or a corner bar triggers a response, so what we do is change the response to something positive.  (This is in conjunction with helping the person with stress, sadness, anger, socio-economic issues and family matters).

Plasticity as the article below states is the brains ability to create new pathways.  In hypnosis we set up the idea of choice and associate a negative response to the old choice and a positive response to the new choice.

Learning has been a focus of addiction research for more than a decade. Marina Wolf, a neuroscientist at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in North Chicago  is one of a group of scientists who pioneered the idea of addiction as a form of maladaptive plasticity — the brain “learning” differently in the presence of addictive substances.

But learning, Wolf says, is a loose term. “Let’s say a person learns about riding a unicycle and also learns about taking cocaine. Cocaine’s effects in the brain may lead to stronger learning about the drug, although there are undoubtedly similarities at some levels.

Later, when presented with a cue about unicycles or about cocaine, the person will retrieve the specific memory. The important question is: What does the individual do with the memory that is retrieved? The critical difference may lie in the ease with which a memory or cue is translated in to action.”

So while memories of your unicycle riding days might merely be pleasant, memories associated with cocaine might trigger powerful cravings.

Read more in the article in Science News about Addiction and the Brain.

To find out how hypnosis can help you change your brain’s responses to alcohol, call for a complementary consultation 972-974-2094, or go to the link to schedule online.