
Alcoholism? If you are questioning whether you are an alcoholic, hypnosis can help.

Definition of Alcohol Dependency

Chronic, progressive, and potentially fatal addiction characterized by a physical dependence on alcohol, tolerance to its effects, and withdrawal symptoms when consumption is reduced or stopped.

Here Are The Four Causes of Dependency (from the book – The Alcoholism and Addiction Cure)

  • Chemical imbalance
  • Unresolved issues from the past
  • Beliefs inconsistent with the truth
  • Inability to cope with current conditions

All causes of dependency are within you and so are all the solutions!

Hypnosis takes you within, so you can solve the causes of alcoholism and be your true self again.



Alcohol slows down control areas of the brain, which leads to drowsiness, poor coordination and poor reflexes also it loosens inhibitions. The molecular structure of alcohol binds to your GABA receptors which interfere with your body’s ability to release good feeling peptides, so you are more dependent upon alcohol to feel good.


Your liver metabolizes 95% of the alcohol, which causes it to not have time for its other functions such as maintaining blood sugar levels for the brain, which keeps us alter.


Alcohol irritates the lining and causes the secretion of digestive acids that may cause nausea and/or vomiting.


Alcohol causes you to urinate more often (it is a diuretic), causing a higher loss of fluids as they work to remove alcohol from the body thus creating dehydration (causes headache).

Relapse doesn’t have to be a part of your recovery.

Other alcohol treatment programs suggest “relapse is a part of recovery” and that is probably why the relapse rate in the US of up to 90%.

We feel you do not have an incurable disease; but are merely dependent on a substance to relieve pain, fear, anxiety, etc. and that substance has created a chemical imbalance in your brain and body.

This program gets to the underlying causes of the dependency so you can rebalance your physical, mental, and emotional states.

In addition, you gain freedom from guilt, shame and blame.

And the freedom to create your life, improve relationships, get your career back on track, improve your financial condition, reclaim your health: everything that was put on hold to drink.

Our goal is to return you to your Best Self and Activate Your Full Potential.

Are you ready to be your best self again?  Call for a complimentary consultation to learn how hypnosis can help with alcoholism.  972-974-2094