Alcohol Addiction Is Treatable, Not Incurable.

life balance and alcoholism

Hypnosis is effective for treatment of alcoholism when you view the addiction “as a need that is attempting to be meant through the use or overuse of alcohol.”

This link is an article from Huffington Post focusing on the issue of alcoholism and how it effects the Native American community.  And how the current system of locking up people for crimes involving alcohol is not the solution, here is what the writer of this article said,

The consumption of alcohol and the use of drugs is a disease and it must be attacked as a disease. Locking Native Americans up in jails and prisons does not cure the problem, but may even contribute to it. One does not cure a disease by locking up the sick person. One cures a disease by going to the root of the problem and finding a cure for it.

When someone is in pain (sad, feeling defeated, angry) they look for ways to feel better instantly.  That is a normal human tendency.  Alcohol makes people feel better, and then the brain learns that and it becomes a dependency.  However, using hypnosis to get to the source of problem helps the person overcome the pain and eventually, give up the dependency on alcohol or any other substance.

Additionally, hypnosis supports the person in the following ways:


vision of long-term success

creating a positive mindset

finding a sense of own personal power

creating an overwhelming desire to be in control

considering moderation as an option

 Read more about hypnosis for alcohol treatment.

The Flow Center assists its client in abstaining or reducing their substance dependency while they work at their current job and live at home.

Through hypnosis sessions they learn to gain control or overcome alcohol dependency naturally, our balanced concept integrates all aspects of a person’s life: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual states.

Call 972-974-2094 for your complimentary consultation.

Alcohol Addiction Is Treatable, Not Incurable.